Feb 13, 2020 12:00 PM
Roger Martin and Trevor Wallraven
Oregon's Prison System - things you should know but don't!

Oregon's prison system badly needs review! Fifty years ago (when the crime rate was higher) Oregon's population was 2.2 million and our three prisons housed less than 2000 people. Today our population is 4.2 million and we have 15,500 people in prison in over 20 facilities. We spend more on prisons than we do on Higher Education! Many of our prisons are in remote areas - long distances from families and visitors. Frankly, they got there as "economic development" more than sound planning!

Oregon's Dept of Corrections and Youth Authority are lead by extremely competent professionals who are striving to make thoughtful changes. The Public needs to know what's going on! Roger and Trevor have a story you need to hear!"