Sep 24, 2020 12:00 PM
Jerry Mason and Doug Marshall
Hope for the Homeless

Hope for the Homeless Foundation believes it has a new, innovative approach to tackling the growing homeless crisis in the Portland area.  Their mandate is to financially support grassroots organizations that are doing effective work helping the homeless return to stability, so they are no longer living on the streets. 

Many of us really want to help the homeless but we just don’t know how.  As you will hear in this presentation, Hope for the Homeless Foundation believes they offer a critically needed approach that can make a significant difference in the homeless crisis.

President Doug Marshall and board member Jerry Mason are here to report on Hope for the Homeless Foundation’s initial assessments, observations, and successes. Laurie Carlson was an early donor, and in her shy manner, suggested that Hope for the Homeless Foundation maybe an organization that Rotary should consider financially supporting.

This will be a zoom meeting - please use the "Contact Us" button at the top of the page if you would like to join us.